The use of VR to train crane operator is rapidly gaining momentum. The crane simulator allows immersing the future employee in any situation that may encounter on their way. Just one mistake can harm the entire company, its finances or its reputation. The consequences can be different: from a negative opinion about the company’s work on social networks to the death of a person at work. It should be noted that companies around the world are increasingly using VR crane simulator to provide a significant improvement in the learning process. Virtual reality experience creates an accurate simulation of situations faced by staff in tower crane work. The greatest interest in VR simulators was shown in the high-risk industries: energy, construction, industrial production.

The reasons mentioned above prompted the management of the New Competence Center to extend the offer of its services using the tower crane simulations. CNK Sp. zo.o. is an organization that connects a group of investors, innovators, technicians and instructors who together create an innovative training center using the latest technologies, including simulators in virtual and augmented reality VR + AR. They have two training centers in Gdańsk and Gdynia, and specializes in the implementation of training and vocational courses for the port, construction, logistics and transport industries. As the first in Poland, they have developed and implemented in 2020 a system for conducting courses and vocational training using innovative simulation technology in virtual and augmented reality VR + AR. In this way, CNK managed to: increase the quality and level of training, obtain measurable verification and assessment of skills, obtain faster and easier assimilation of knowledge and competences.

For the instructors from New Competence Center, the most important thing was the possibility of implementation various training scenarios and for students, fast learning and safety. It was necessary to purchase a port crane simulator equipped with seat and manipulators adequate to the cabin of a real crane and software allowing the implementation of many programs for learning future students.
In 2020 Flint Systems provided the port crane simulator based on 3DoF motion platform and equipped with all necessary manipulators, VR headset and software dedicated for various crane types operator’s training.
The port crane simulator has been adapted to work with the VR environment. The implemented VR HeadWay technology allowed forallowed reducing negative impact of VR Sickness. Moreover, this technology eliminates platform movements from the VR tracking system, causing the experiences to be more immersive and authentic.
The high-top VR headset was delivered by HTC. The motion platform is dedicated for different crane types simulators and is ready to work with HTC Vive/HTC Vive Pro/HTC Vive Pro 2.

Simulator software is in fact a training application that moves and gets input from the hardware part of the simulator. The application for the crane operator training was delivered by Flint Systems, which is a member of Flint Group. The company produce complete virtual reality simulators for Clients from around the world. Flint Systems offer a unique and tailor-made VR simulator that will help train the employees in the most effective way. The team of qualified architects, engineers, developers, and designers can make any kind of software and hardware.

The tower crane places the high above the construction site, where the operators are tasked with lifting objects to assist in the construction of the building with various lifting objectives that require different techniques and simultaneously train students in how to operate the crane properly and avoid risks.
The overhead crane located in a warehouse, construction site or port challenges students to complete obstacle courses in a timely manner with difficulties scaling for each obstacle course. This kind of training teaching operations of such a crane and shows how to carefully avoid bumping into obstacles while moving through the course.

In line with the vision of the Center for New Competences, port industry can benefit a lot using VR simulators for equipment port crane operators’ training. The main goal is to use the same machine that the employees use at port. The only difference is that students use it in virtual reality, the safest environment ever.


A person who has not been operating on a complex machine so far may be a source of danger to themselves and others. Therefore, it is much safer to use VR simulators for training – a trainee operates on the machine, but can’t do any harm. The future crane operators can acquire their experience in moving hardware device to operate crane flawlessly in real environment.

Increased efficiency
Future crane operators can be trained faster, easier and cheaper with the use of crane simulator. This device allows changing training scenarios, learn how to deal with rare and unique situations that can happen during a daily work, for instance breaking the rope. Thanks to VR simulators, new employees will know what to do in such circumstances. For the professional training, the instructors don't need any exchanges or upgrades or external tools to help operators to gain experience.

Repeatability and data driven
Great feature of port crane simulator virtual trainings is a possibility to have all feedback and information from session that trainee took. Coach is able to analyze them and choose which fields need an improvement. This powerful tool, including heatmaps, will show the areas of the training that still need to be polished. This way, development is easier and faster than ever.
The PS-3TM-550 motion platform is middleweight champion in the 3DoF products family. Motion system was designed for most heavy duty load application where customer requires reliability and durability. Customers appreciate this motion platform for its compact design and impressive movement repeatability. The proven and balanced design allows PS-3TM-550 to work flawlessly in the most difficult systems.