The General Partnership Company 3BIRD, in partnership with the Norwegian Company Stable AS implemented a project entitled “Development and implementation of an innovative service, namely: Marine research on migrating birds using a stabilized ornithological radar” conducted under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The project “Development and implementation of an innovative service, namely: “Marine research on migrating birds using a stabilized ornithological radar” benefits from Norway. The project aims to implement and introduce to the market an innovative service featuring technological solutions by broadening cooperation with the Norwegian company.

An independent research institute – The Institute of Innovation & Technology at Bialystok University of Technology sp. z o.o. is testing of the ornithological radar’s stabilizing unit, the technology developed under the project. The tests consist in measuring the actual compensation for undulation of the stabilized ornithological radar in conditions close to natural. Close to natural conditions were achieved through the use of a 3DoF motion platform, with adequate load capacity parameters and an adequate range of motion, that reproduced the waves at sea. The load resulting from air resistance will be simulated by loading the structure with ballast weights. The essential part of the tests is a discussion of the results of the statistical analysis by a team consisting of representatives of 3Bird, the research institute and the company Stable (project partner).

The 3BIRD Company is the project’s initiator, author and leader. The company provide comprehensive services involving the collection and analysis of environmental data within ornithological surveys for the purpose of pre-investment monitoring, in particular with regard to offshore wind farms. The operation is based on standard field observation methods combined with an innovative application of radar techniques. The obtained radar data on bird flights is interpreted by qualified ornithologists and forms the basis for developing maps of bird activity, including potential threats and any negative impact of investments on migrating bird populations. Such research constitutes the optimal tool for reliably assessing the impact of investment projects on migrating bird populations. The 3BIRD is the only company in Poland and one of only a few in Europe offering such services, mainly to investors, consulting companies and any other entity involved in projects likely to have a significant impact on the environment. They specialize in the environmental impact studies required by renewable energy investments, especially offshore wind farms.
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