Torque3 is developing a neurorehabilitation platform that uses intense, deeply immersive, task-oriented therapy with robotic assistance to enhance neuroplasticity. Our platform leverages deep immersion during task-oriented therapy to create tasks that are perceived as urgent and important within experiences that are constantly new and challenging. The team believes this approach will improve neuroplasticity, achieving significantly better recovery outcomes for stroke and TBI patients.

The use of intense, deep immersion causes the brain to assign importance and urgency to task-oriented therapy. Combined with multimodal engagement, patient neuroplasticity is significantly improved, which accelerates the remapping of neural pathways to regain lost functionality.
Research over the last 20 years by Dr Eric Wade on task-oriented therapy utilizing virtual reality and robotic assistance has shown that tasks that are “continually challenging” and “continually novel” with “meaningful rewards” result in the most successful treatments.
Torque3 builds on this foundation with the platform by delivering the “illusion of presence” and “sense of embodiment” required to achieve “deep immersion” and use that deep immersion to have patients suspend their disbelief, which allows creating a “perception of risk”. This gives 2 very important capabilities: First, it adds intensity to the overall experience which, unto itself, can improve neuroplasticity. But more importantly, uses the perception of risk to assign urgency and importance to all the actions performed during task-oriented therapy.

Stroke survivors usually have some level of paralysis on one side of their body. Torque3’s advanced robotics also allow to completely mitigate the effects of hemiplegia or hemiparesis during therapy. The platform instantly compensates for lateral imbalance between limbs, delivering a smooth experience as if the patient were not impaired.
Torgue3 has one goal, make the patient feel whole again during therapy.
The QS-625 motion platform as a perfect base for flight and car simulators. Load capacity up to 250 kg/551 lb, compact size, and ultra-quiet operation, are not the only advantages of a six-axis machine.