Racing simulator
If you plan to build a racing simulator, you will need a motion platform that offers fast response and it is able to generate high frequency vibrations. Depending on the racing type, you might also need all 6 axes or even specialized motion platform to simulate under-steering or over-steering.
See productsHow many DoF do I need?
It depends on what kind of car and racing you want to simulate. If yaw, under-steer or over-steer effects are not important, you can go with 2dof or 3dof. Motion platform which moves only the driver seats (2dof seat mover) offers the quickest response time and the fastest speed. If you want to move the whole rig, you will need a 3dof motion platform that offers bigger payload. If yaw (turning), under-steer or over-steer effects are must have you can go with universal 6dof motion platform or combination of 2dof seat mover and dedicated unit for under-steer/over-steer simulation.
How much payload do I need?
You should be concerned about center of gravity and mass distribution, not about payload itself. Compare following 100kg blocks: 10x10x10 cm and 3x3x3 m. Any 100kg motion platform will handle first case, however second case might be problematic even for 1500kg motion platform.
What about under-steer and over-steer simulation?
Under-steer and over-steer is combination of yaw and sway. Both can be simulated by 6dof motion platform or specialized motion platform for under-steer/over-steel simulation.
What is better, VR or multi-monitor setup?
For 2dof motion platforms you can use standalone multi-monitor setup or VR or both – it depends on your preferences. For 3dof and 6dof motion platform multi-monitor setup is more complicated to implemented. If you decide to have standalone multi-monitor, then you will have to limit motion platform operation range, otherwise users may not see screens in deep pitch or roll. If you decide to install multi-monitor on top frame, then it will increase required payload. It seems to be better to use VR for 3dof and 6dof with additional monitors just for spectators.
Is 6DoF only option?
In practice, yes, this is the only choice. For professional drivers training simulation, it required to make 6dof motion platform that is able to generate specified angular and linear accelerations and velocities. With full power of inverse kinematics, it is possible to move top frame rotation point in 6dof motion platform and simulate under-steer or over-still in addition to basic turning and wheel spinning effects.
How much payload do I need?
In this case there will be a heavy cockpit with high moment of inertia. It is recommend to choose motion platform that can handle 2x (twice) the real payload.
Full-size cockpit vehicle simulator
If you plan to build a full-size vehicle simulator, you will need a machine that is able to produce specified angular and linear accelerations and velocities. To handle large weight payloads, the best option will be one of our 6dof motion platforms. Under-steering and over-steering is not the case here, instead of that, engines need to provide smooth and constant moves.
See productsFull-size cockpit flight simulator
If you plan to build a flight simulator, you will need a motion platform that offers smooth motions and that is able to simulate specific external forces to give a better training outcome. For the best fidelity, we suggest choosing one of our 6dof platform.
See productsIs 6DoF only option?
It depends on certification level you want to achieve with your simulator. If 6dof is specified as one of requirements for certification, the 3dof motion platform can be used for flight simulator. However, it is still recommended to use 6dof motion platform for heavier cockpit.
How much payload do I need?
In this case there will be a heavy cockpit with high moment of inertia. It is recommend to choose motion platform that can handle 2x (twice) the real payload.
Is 6DoF only option?
Train heave (rail effects), pitch and roll (terrain related effects) can be simulated on 3dof motion platform. However, it is recommended to use 6dof motion platform to simulate train horizontal movements (sway).
How much payload do I need?
In this case there will be a heavy cockpit with high moment of inertia. It is recommend to choose motion platform that can handle 2x (twice) the real payload.
Train simulator
If you plan to build a train simulator, you will need a heavyweight motion platform that offers smooth moves and that is able to generate train specific vibrations. 6dof platform will be perfect for simulating all range of rails and terrain related effects.
See productsEquipment testing device
There is no single answer here. If you plan to build an equipment testing device, you will need to ask yourself a few questions and define requirements first. Every, even little single thing may be important. In case of some doubts, please contact our support team, we will be happy to help you.
See productsHow many DoF do I need?
There is no universal answer here. Everything depends on what kind of testing you are performing and what ranges of movements you need.
How much payload do I need?
You should be concerned about center of gravity and mass distribution, not about payload itself. Compare following 100kg blocks: 10x10x10 cm and 3x3x3 m. Any 100kg motion platform will handle first case, however second case might be problematic even for 1500kg motion platform.
Is motion platform positioning system accurate?
Positioning repeatability is really high, the error is between 0.01 mm and 0.36 mm. It means that if the same test is performed many times, the result will be the same. Absolute positioning precision is combination of inverse kinematics precision and assembly precision and it might be up to a few millimeters/degrees.
Will outside use be a problem?
Most of motion platforms components are already at least IP57 and we can galvanize all metal parts of bottom section and top frame. Please notice however that the power cabinet is not intended to be used outside, only motion platform base can be use outside.
What control signal latency should I expect?
Hardware: For PS series, our internal control board sends control commands to frequency inverters in ~4ms intervals. Frequency inverters reports current motor position in 10ms intervals.
PC: Usually there is no need to send control to motion platform more often than 20ms (50Hz) because frequency inverters need some time to interpret new requests. Current motor position reading is done in 10ms intervals (100Hz).

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